New Zealand Wool Area Rug – The Importance of Professional Cleaning


A New Zealand wool area rug is very soft and can provide an elegant look to any room. They are very popular for decorating because they are comfortable and durable. New Zealand wool is very fine in quality and much softer than other types of wools. A New Zealand wool area rug is environmentally friendly and this makes them even more popular. Wool is great for anyone that has allergies, children, and pets. It is very resilient and handles spills better than any other type of material. These rugs are ideal in the home or office. Many styles, colors, and designs are available for any sized room. They make great noise reducers and are fire resistant. If you already have one of these great rugs decorating your home or office, the benefits might already be known. Taking good care of these rugs is essential to ensure good use of all the benefits they offer. Part of this care is having someone wash, dry, and repair the rug when needed.

The Area Rug Cleaning Process

What happens when a skilled professional performs area rug cleaning for you? The process is fairly simple and straightforward. Many companies offer to pick the rug up from your home and do all the work for you. Once it has arrived at the facility, they will inspect it for damages and determine what cleaning solution and methods are appropriate. It will be washed with a mild cleaning solution that can not harm the rug. After washing, it is hung in a large room to allow it to dry completely. Air is blown on both sides of the rug for even drying. This prevents mold from developing due to improper drying. Once fully dried, the rug is inspected again. If it is full clean and no repairs need to be done, it is wrapped up and delivered to your home. When there is damage to the rug, they will first get approval to make them and then do what is necessary to fix the problems. Afterwards, it is delivered and ready for use. This is the basic process for area rug cleaning. A good company should be able to perform all these steps for the best cleaning.

Do Not Use a Home Rug Cleaning Service

A home rug cleaning service can seem like a more convenient option and quite a deal sometimes, but it is one of the worst things you can have done to your authentic wool rug. Home carpet cleaning equipment and solutions are not made for these types of rugs. The equipment is very hard on the fibers and the cleaning solutions can actually make the rug wear faster. Since the rug is cleaned while flat, the solution often gets left in the rug and it does not dry properly. This can cause a lot of problems. It can be damaged to the point where it has to be replaced. Instead of taking what may seem the easier and less expensive way out, always use a professional rug cleaning service for the best results.


Source by Keith Andrews

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