When Hiring a Janitorial Service, Always Ask For References


NEVER hire a janitorial service without first checking up on some references from them. Find out as much as you can from the references. Ask them how they found the company, how long they have been working with them, and how satisfied they are.

Do not be intimidated to ask the office cleaning company or references. And once you get them, be sure the check them. Sometimes we just want to trust our colleagues , but it is important to remember that a nice business owner does not necessarily equate with a good business owner.

References give you a third party look a how the business runs. You will be able to see if they have the abilities you need them to perform once you hire them. Getting this information before you sign a contract can save you several hours of frustration in the future.

Find out as much as you can from the references. Get as specific as you can with them. Ask them why often. Ask them open ended questions followed with why. Do not be afraid to take 10 minutes of their time. This is valuable, and if they are happy with the service they are getting, they will be happy to spend the time to give the company a great reference.

This is a great time also to find out how much independence the janitor service works with. Depending on what you are looking for more or less independence may work well for you. Be sure and find out what kind of interaction the reference has with the cleaning service and how often. You do not want to hire wrong, it will take so many extra hours of your time that should be going into your business not your janitor service.


Source by Spencer Arnold

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