How Much Does Mattress Cleaning Cost?


You will be spending a lot of time sleeping. At the very least, your direct exposure to your mattress can go for as long as 7 hours. That being said, you have to make sure that your mattress is clean all the time.

If you have pets at home, they are more likely to leave dirt and pet dander on your mattress, thereby increasing the chance for molds, bacteria and germs to appear. It is imperative that you find ways to get your mattress cleaned.

Cost of Hiring Professionals

Hiring professionals might be easier but it can be costly especially if you are dealing with pee stains or similar problems. They will have to disinfect the bed or treat it with anti allergen cleaning treatments.

The price of cleaning a small mattress, bunk bed or a cot is usually at $ 60. Single to double mattress usually has a price range of $ 70- $ 80. A queen size mattress costs around $ 90 and a king size bed at $ 100. We are talking about full mattress cleaning here. If you need only to have the top or the sides cleaned, you are looking in on spending more than $ 30.

Buying Your Own Cleaning Materials

Spending that much money on hiring professionals to clean your mattress can bust the bank. This is true especially when you have to periodically clean your bed. Cleaning the mattress does not require that much time and effort so you might as well consider doing it yourself. Buy your own cleaning materials and spend some time during the weekends to clean your bed.

You will need a stain remover, an anti allergen spray or a disinfectant, brush or sponge, some towels and a hair dryer or an electric fan. Apply the stain remover on the affected areas and leave it there for a few hours or until the stains are completely gone. While waiting, you can do your other chores.

If the stains have loosened up, you can apply a bit of the stain remover again and brush it or use the sponge to get rid of the stain completely. Wipe it with an absorbent cloth and proceed with the anti allergen spray. Spray it liberally on the surface of the mattress. Let it dry completely. If you have a vacuum cleaner, use it to vacuum the surface of the bed. Let it dry using a hair dryer or an electric fan.

There are a lot of inexpensive stain removers out there. A bottle costs around $ 10. An anti allergen spray might cost about $ 20.


Source by Zach Smith

Benefits of Maintaining the Cleanliness of Your Premise


Let's start with the famous saying "Cleanliness is next to godliness." Everyone wants to live in a house that is fresh and sparkling. Nobody wants to stay in a dirty house. But some of the people do not get sufficient time to clean their house. If you are one of them, then hiring a reliable domestic cleaning is the best option for you.

First of all, they will not only leave your home neat and tidy but also clean all the corners of your house. Usually, many home owners do not pay much attention to the hidden areas of home, but if you notice you will find most of the dirt accumulated there. When you hire house cleaning services you can be rest assured that your home is dirt-free.

Hygienic Home

Your home has a biggest impact on your family's health. If your home is filled with dirt, there will be germs lurking everywhere. A dirty home will invite bacteria's and cause family members suffer from various kinds of health problems. With the help of domestic cleaning services your home will be spick and span.


A clean home is the reflection of your personality. If the appearance of your home is unpleasant and grimy, it may indicate that you do not have sufficient time to do the essential maintenance. A tidy home signifies that you care for your family's health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Saves Your Precious Time

Hiring professional house cleaners is an ideal solution if you do not have time to clean your home. If you get tired working for long hours that do not allow you to clean your home, then all your problems will get solved right away when you hire domestic cleaning services. In addition, you get ample of time to spend with your family as well as do other important household chores.

High-tech Cleaning Equipments

Most of the reputed companies have state of the art equipments that will make your home clean inside out. They will clean all the areas of your home ensuring that are no pests inside your house. These equipments will deeply extract the inner dust and cleanse it thoroughly.


Another advantage of hiring domestic cleaners is their availability. They provide daily, weekly as well as monthly cleaning service and leaving your home spotless.

In conclusion, domestic house cleaners will leave your home neat and orderly thereby, keeping you and your family safe from hidden bacteria's and germs.


Source by Erique Benson

Top 5 Cleaning Complaints and How to Solve Them


Do you ever pick up the phone only to find an angry customer on the other end? Perhaps a trash can did not get emptied the night before, or the dusting is not up to par. Customer complaints are inevitable for a cleaning company, but there are a number of things that you can do to minimize the frequency. Here are some of the common complaints received by commercial cleaning companies and tips on how to solve the problem.

1. Supplies Empty. If roll towels are being used, you can replace smaller rolls of 350 'with rolls of 800' with stub roll access. Most 350 'roll dispensers will handle 800' rolls without replacing the current dispenser. The same can be true for center-pull towels. If using a smaller roll, replace with a larger roll. If you have to replace dispensers, do so. It's a small price to pay in order to keep the customer happy.

If replacing dispensers is not an option, ensure your employees are properly trained on how to stock dispensers. When stocking hand towel dispensers (multi-fold, single-fold, c-fold towels), train employees to fill the dispensers two-thirds full. Filling dispensers to the brim puts a lot of weight on the bottom towels, causing them to tear apart when pulling them out. If the dispenser tends to run out your can either put in a second dispenser or leave a stack on the counter.

If you run out of toilet paper you can leave an extra roll on the back of the toilet or change the dispenser to a twin roll or jumbo roll dispensers.

2. Dirty Restrooms. Restroom training programs that lay out each step for cleaning a restroom is essential. With so many steps, it can be easy for a new employee to forget an important procedure that is likely to cause a complaint. One way to make it easier for employees is to give them color-coded microfiber cloths. For instance, blue cloths for cleaning mirrors and polished stainless steel, red cloths for toilets and urinals, and yellow cloths for countertops, sinks, dispensers, partitions, and walls.

One common restroom complaint has nothing to do cleaning procedures, but should be taken care of by the janitorial staff. Oftentimes odors come from the floor drain because it has dried out. Simply pouring water down the drain on a weekly basis can eliminate the odors.

3. Inadequate dusting is a very common complaint. If workers rush through their work to get the job done, dusting tends to be the task that gets neglected first because it's much less noticeable than not emptying a trash can, for instance.

The most effective tool to use for dusting is a microfiber cloth. Microfiber cloths pick up the dust rather than moving it around or making it airborne, like feather dusters, which means the dust will not re-settle onto surfaces. Use a green microfiber cloth for dusting. Be sure to point out commonly missed areas to employees – build-up around calculators, stacking baskets, pictures, sides of desks, and chair legs. Make sure supervisors pay special attention to these areas when walking through the building.

4. Trash Not Emptied. When training new employees, point out hidden trash cans. There should always be a specific path to follow so a trash can is not inadvertently missed. Typically employees should go counter-clockwise around the room, zig-zagging back and forth down aisles and through the hallways. A good way to double check the work is to check the cans while vacuuming to ensure they've been emptied.

5. Lack of Vacuuming. Train employees to move through the office counter-clockwise to ensure all areas are vacuumed. Mats should be vacuumed, and then rolled up so the area underneath can be vacuumed.

Cleaning personnel should be using the correct vacuum for the job. For instance, if a wide track vacuum cleaner is being used to vacuum tight areas like underneath desks, then it's likely that bits of paper and paper clips are going to be missed. The right vacuum should be used for the space that's being vacuumed. For large, open areas use wide track vacuums. Back pack vacuums are great for regular office vacuuming and detail work.

Consistent training of all employees using detailed training programs is of key importance in order to avoid customer complaints. When employees use the same procedures every day, they are much less likely to make mistakes. It is also important to do follow-up training. This will ensure that all employees are using the right cleaning system for the location and are reminded of the proper step-by-step procedures to use.


Source by Steve Hanson

Emergency Cleaning And Restoration Services


It's not always the case, but when disaster strikes, you can be left with all sorts of questions that need to be answered and tasks that need to be handled. Luckily in this modern day and age there are emergency cleaning and restoration services that can get you quickly, efficiently, and safely out of any emergency or disaster you just so happen to be in.

One reason to use an emergency cleaning and restoration service when your home has been through a disaster is that it is just one less thing that you have to deal with. There are so many more important things to deal with when you go through a disaster than having to worry about your home. You have to make sure your loved ones are safe and that they will have a safe place to stay that night or however long it takes to repair your belongings. These trained and professional crews are able to take care of what needs to be taken care of and leave you to take care of the most important things like your families well being.

Another reason to use an emergency cleaning and restoration services is to minimize the risk on you and those around you lives. Emergency clean up after a disaster can be a very dangerous job. There is different sorts of shrapnel and other debris scattered everywhere. Each step or move you take could lead you into another dangerous situation. That's why it is important when forced to clean up after an emergency that you use a crew of trained professionals to do so.

One more reason it is important to use an emergency cleaning and restoration service is because of the experience their workers already have. Many times when you are left in the wake of an emergency or disaster, you are dealing with a situation that you have never handled before. You have a lot of questions and are confused about many things. The trained professional crews at an emergency cleaning and restoration service have already been through it all and know exactly what to do during any situation.

A disaster always seems to strike at the very worst time. Luckily there are trained crews of professionals at an emergency cleaning and restoration services that are able to help you both clean up after the emergency and then restore your life back to normal as well.


Source by Paul A Buchanan

Sales Pitch For Your Cleaning Business Can Be Done in Seconds


When you own your very own house cleaning business, how to run it is not the only thing that you should be learning and developing skills at. You should also be able to sell your products and services to your target market very well. That is how things work in your cleaning business marketing schemes. Since you are in the house cleaning business, what you are selling are services, thus using results as the proof of your effectiveness and efficiency. So in order to show to your prospective clients the so-called results, you have to show them pictures and even explain to them a bit on how you managed to achieve such. However, what if you do not have the luxury of time? Can you still do a sales pitch? The answer is YES. You absolutely can.

The "Elevator Pitch"
Making a sales pitch that takes only seconds is not only possible, but also effective. This is what many would like to call "the elevator pitch". Notice how quick an elevator ride is? That is how quick your pitch will be too, thus the name given to it. Of course, noting that it is merely the length of the pitch that gained it its name, you do not have to do this in an elevator exclusively.

So how do you do this? Basically, you prepare this spill beforehand and practice it at home as often as you could. Eventually, you can practice this with family or close friends, and ask them for feedback on it. Consider this as one of the most valuable cleaning business marketing tools you possess for your small business. As time goes, you will have this pitch tattooed on your mind that you can even recite it in your sleep. And that is basically a good thing – for your business, especially.

One-on-One Sales Pitch and Group Pitch
This is quite the easier of the two (compared to the group sales pitch) because you are focusing your pitch only on one person. When going about it, always build rapport first, subtly tell the person what you do, and then you can say your spill. You spill should be beneficial to what the person needs, so beforehand be very observant. Tailor your sales pitch to what you think that person needs because that is how you can make a sale.

Just remember that in making a sales pitch you are offering a solution to the person's problem. That is how you open for your cleaning business, opportunities. Cleaning business opportunities can come with groups too. However, be very observant and focus on the common thing that the group may have. Just remember that perfecting things comes with time.


Source by Janice Fowler

Cleaning Business Success Factors – How to Earn a 'Six Figure' Income


The cleaning business offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs to get started with their own profitable businesses. But while some players can quickly scale up to a considerable income from their business, others have trouble getting their business off the ground and struggle to make a living wage. Clearly there are factors that separate the 'six figure' players from the rest. Let's look at the earnings potential in the cleaning business and examine some of these success factors.

In your first year of business, assuming that you are cleaning full-time without hiring any employees it is reasonable to expect to earn an income of anywhere between $ 15,000 and $ 35,000. For those that study the business thoroughly and work on growing a profitable system rather than treating it as nothing more than a job, then it is conceivable to earn a 'six figure' income within a few years.

What are the success factors that separate the winners and the losers in this business?

1) Research the market locally and identify the sectors that offer the best opportunities. House cleaning may seem like an obvious choice but it is mainstream and competitive. There are many other niche cleaning markets that you can explore.

2) Build a name for yourself right from the start. Develop a branding strategy, grow a respectable brand name and live up to the promise of your brands reputation and you will no longer have to fight so hard to win new accounts.

3) Always focus on running your business as efficiently as possible. Look for cost savings wherever possible and observe your workers in action and try to find ways that they can be more productive.

4) Develop your sales skills or hire good people to do the selling for you on a commission basis. Every enquiry costs money so you have to do your best to convert each one into a new account.

5) It is much easier to sell to your existing customers than it is to find new ones. Develop additional cleaning services that you can offer clients regularly or from time to time.

6) For your cleaning business to grow at a decent rate you must be able to step back and work on business development rather than getting stuck in the daily grind. Learning how to hire and manage employees effectively is one of the secrets to success.

7) Marketing is another key to success. Watch other successful companies in action and imitate what they do while still remaining as original as possible. Test a variety of promotional methods and track results to find out the most cost effective methods.

8) Customer service. Offer good value and service to clients and you will be rewarded with lots of referrals as word spreads.

9) Be persistent and never give up on your dreams. Growing a business is not easy and there will be hurdles along the way. Understand that if you keep refining your systems and learning from your mistakes that success is inevitable.

10) Never stop learning. Look for mentors who have been successful in cleaning and other industries and learn from them. Stay up to date with developments in the cleaning industry and in the business world in general.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning to open your cleaning business today and work towards securing yourself a 'six figure' income.


Source by Steven Sutherland

Benefits of Housekeeping Services


Most of us can not stand a dirty house. Most of us that can not stand a dirty house are full time workers and parents. Sometimes this leaves very little time for completing chores. It's considered a good day when we have time to actually sit and enjoy a cup of coffee. So what are the solutions? Get used to living in a dirty house? Make time to clean? You really do not need to sleep or shower that often, do you? It may sound ridiculous but for many people it is not that far from reality. Fortunately there are housekeeping services that we can hire to take care of these cleaning issues.

So what are the benefits of hiring a professional house cleaning service? We can state the obvious and say that having a clean house would be at the top of the list, but there are far more advantages than just that.

For starters, let's play the health card. A professional cleaning service is going to give you that deep clean that is necessary to eliminate a number of germs and bacteria that can accumulate on almost every surface in your home. Keeping these areas cleaned on a regular basis will prevent a lot of potential ailments.

You also get the piece of mind that comes with knowing that your home will be cleaned properly and on a regular basis. With one less thing on your plate you should be able to focus on the more daunting tasks of your everyday life, like getting the kids to school or finishing that work you took home with you. Or you can always spend that extra time enjoying some quality moments with your family.

A clean house is a happy one. Your guests will agree. What's worse, having guests over when your house is not clean or not even being able to invite people over because of the mess? A house keeping service can not only free up your time to actually have guests over but have your home in tip top condition for their arrival.

The benefits of hiring a professional house keeping service are numerous. And many times they out weigh the cons. Yes it costs money. But how valuable is your time? Some would wager that time is the more important commodity. For those people there are housekeepers available to help free up more of it. It would be fantastic to have more hours in the day. But it's not going to happen anytime soon. And having even one extra hour sometimes is more than its weight in gold.


Source by John Dannon

Carpet Cleaning Methods – Pros And Cons


There are several carpet cleaning methods being used by various professional carpet cleaning companies and households today. Each type of cleaning has its own peculiar advantages and disadvantages. This article will assist you to choose among them, as we tabulate the most popular methods, and outline their perceived pros and cons.

Basically, carpet cleaning methods may be placed in one of two categories: wet cleaning, or dry cleaning. Wet cleaning includes hot water extraction and also cleaning with an absorbent pad. Dry carpet cleaning involves the use of chemical powders or foams applied by special machines with counter rotating brushes, pads or cylinders.

Wet Cleaning

(a) Hot Water Extraction Or Deep Steam Cleaning

The carpet is first pre-conditioned with a chemical reagent in order to saponify or liquefy soils and oil based substances which may be present. Water at a temperature near its boiling point and a pressure of 50 to 500 psig is then injected into the carpet and after a suitable dwell time (usually 10 to 15 minutes), the resulting solution is extracted with a vacuum of 5 to 14 inches HG .


  • Gets out soiling from deep down in the carpet.
  • Allows the use of high temperatures, pressures and chemical concentrates.
  • Permits extended dwell times for reaction of cleaning solvents.
  • Chemical reactivity facilitated by agitation with grooming tool or extraction wand.
  • This is the method most widely recommended by carpet manufacturers and industry cleaning experts and professionals.


  • Relatively long drying time. This can be reduced with the use of powerful equipment by competent technicians
  • Expensive equipment usually required for maximum efficiency
  • Relatively high cost factors

(b) Cleaning With An Absorbent Pad

This method which is commonly known as bonnet cleaning, is most often used for routine light maintenance, but it is also used for regular carpet cleaning. The carpet is first vacuumed, and then a chemical solution is sprayed unto it with a hand pump or electric sprayer. The solution is allowed to stay on the carpet for a suitable dwell or reaction time. The absorbent pad or bonnet, which looks like a towel, is placed on the drive block of a rotary floor machine and spun over the carpet surface at 100 to 300 rpm. This action serves to impregnate the carpet fibers with the chemical solution and then pick it up with the soils afterwards.


  • Fast. Simple. Inexpensive.
  • Excellent results with lightly soiled carpets.


  • Only cleans the top one-third of the carpet fibers. Incapable of reaching deeper down.
  • Leaves dirt and chemicals to accumulate at the bottom of the carpet fibers near to the backing.

Dry Cleaning

(a) Cleaning With An Absorbent Compound

A powder which has been mixed with special solvents and cleaning agents, is spread over the carpet and worked into the fibers with a special machine fitted with counter rotating brushes. The powder absorbs the soils and is allowed to set on the carpet for 10 to 15 minutes and then vacuumed up.


  • Very simple system. No special technical training required.
  • Very fast drying. About 20 minutes required before the carpet can be back in service.


  • Powder may be trapped in plush pile carpets and left to build up over time.
  • Usually causes excessive dust in the interior environment.
  • Unable to clean deep down into the carpet

(b) Dry Foam or Rotary Shampoo Method

A foaming surfactant is applied to the carpet to engender solution or suspension of soils, and it is then whipped into a foam and worked into the carpet fibers with the rotating brushes of a special machine. After a short dwell time, the foam is extracted with a vacuum.


  • Fast. Simple to apply. Inexpensive.
  • Excellent agitation with these rotating brushes.
  • Small amount of moisture allows fast drying of carpet.


  • Unable to achieve thorough soil extraction below the surface of the carpet.
  • High temperatures usually not achieved.
  • Excessive wetting possible with equipment malfunction.
  • Brushes may cause damage to carpet fibers, especially when new.

You will be well advised to review these pros and cons before deciding which method you would like to be used to clean your carpet.


Source by Victor Nugent

What Is the Difference Between Custodial and Janitorial Services?


Keeping your office or commercial property clean and well-maintained not only helps your business make a good impression with potential clients and employees, but also ensures the overall health and well-being of your staff members. Custodial and janitorial services help to create an efficient working environment wherein employees can achieve their highest levels of productivity and success. As such, maintaining a clean commercial or business space makes for a suitable environment to conduct regular office work, hold meetings, and pitch to clients.

Many business owners look to professional custodial or janitorial companies for office cleaning and maintenance. Indeed, there are a wide range of services available from these professional outfits, and while there is a fair amount of overlap between janitors and custodians, there are distinctions between these positions as well. First, let's talk about the similarities. Primarily, janitors and custodians are hired either as permanent employees or part-time employees by the management of a company. Likewise, many companies decide to contract this work to professional janitorial and custodial organizations who act as the employer for cleaners, custodians, and janitors. Out-serviced cleaning reduces the burden on your company's managers, as cleaning staff are paid, scheduled, and disciplined by the cleaning company.

Still, while we can see there are some similarities between janitors and custodians, there are several differences as well. In many instances, people incorrectly use the terms "janitor" and "custodian" interchangeably, despite significant differences between janitorial and custodial services. Simply put, janitorial services usually refer to those jobs which are more basic cleaning or maintenance jobs; whereas custodial services refer to those positions where an individual has control over the cleaning and maintenance of a property. The distinction is subtle but important.

Janitors and janitorial service companies are focused on keeping a business or workplace clean. The service contract with a janitorial organization will likely include an extensive list of indoor and outdoor clean-up activities, along with some maintenance duties. Cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming floors, washing windows, cleaning tables and desks, and emptying recycling and trash are just a few of the tasks you might expect a janitor to do.

Alternatively, custodial services may include but are not limited to these basic cleaning tasks. Instead, custodians may also provide light or heavy maintenance, as well as facilities management. Regular repairs, equipment replacement, emergency maintenance, and other higher level tasks would fall under the category of a custodian. In addition, custodial services may also include heavy cleaning, painting, replacement of light-fixtures, plumbing maintenance, and other activities which ensure the smooth operation of facilities in your offices.

So while you can see that custodial and janitorial services are similar, you really need an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each of these professionals before you're ready to hire a custodian or janitor for your business.


Source by Alex Pupkin

Promote A Home Cleaning Service With Promotional Items


There is no better, economical, and effective way to promote your home cleaning service and to increase sales is to use the tried and tested promotional method of giveaways and gifts. Promotional products are an effective and low cost way to grow the brand recognition, within the community and even outside it, for your home cleaning service. Whether it is a new business or a trusted and established service with high visibility in the community, your cleaning company is sure to attract additional home cleaning jobs, and rope in more clients, with the wise use of a range of promotional marketing items.

A start-up cleaning business can promote its services through these handouts, while a larger cleaning service, offering a range of options like full house cleaning, or window and floor cleaning, can also benefit from such drives. Promotional item giveaways can help to rapidly expand the customer base of any home cleaning service. Ranging from promotional items like magnets, to larger giveaways like kitchen utensils or household and cleaning products, giveaways can be very useful in promoting your services to existing clients and their friends and neighbors.

Items such as computer brushes or even screen cleaners imprinted with your name and logo not only bring the shine back to the clients home, but remind them to come back to your when spring cleaning time comes around! Choosing a handy promotional item ensures that the recipient clients are able to have it right in front of their eyes, usually on their desks or counter top. What this means is that your brand, and the services you provide, also remain in the forefront. This is one of the most effective marketing campaigns home cleaning service can engage in, and it is not the least bit expensive or even time consuming. Promotional goods and items are the perfect cleaning business marketing campaign and they are easily carried out, requiring the bare minimum of personal input and working time.

Promotional items can be anything from umbrellas and paperweights to pens and magnets, from key chains to cleaning supplies, and all of them have the power to make your brand popular for a much lower investment. Significant value as a branding tool, and lower investment in terms of money, time and effort, make them a better way of publicizing your brand than the more traditional forms of advertising. Magazines and newspapers, television and radio ad spots, all pale in comparison, with promotional products giving you the same impact level at a noticeably lower budget.

Get your promotional cleaning services give away from the wonderful collection at Action Printing Inc are the perfect way to get your home cleaning business brand and logo out into the wide world? From the small and handy to the larger and more useful-around-the house items, there's a range on offer to choose from. For a much smaller budget than needed for any traditional mode of advertising, you are sure to get noticed, and both satisfied customers, and their friends and neighbors will be lining up in droves to offer you their business!


Source by Bob M Simon