Cleaning Business Success Factors – How to Earn a 'Six Figure' Income


The cleaning business offers numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs to get started with their own profitable businesses. But while some players can quickly scale up to a considerable income from their business, others have trouble getting their business off the ground and struggle to make a living wage. Clearly there are factors that separate the 'six figure' players from the rest. Let's look at the earnings potential in the cleaning business and examine some of these success factors.

In your first year of business, assuming that you are cleaning full-time without hiring any employees it is reasonable to expect to earn an income of anywhere between $ 15,000 and $ 35,000. For those that study the business thoroughly and work on growing a profitable system rather than treating it as nothing more than a job, then it is conceivable to earn a 'six figure' income within a few years.

What are the success factors that separate the winners and the losers in this business?

1) Research the market locally and identify the sectors that offer the best opportunities. House cleaning may seem like an obvious choice but it is mainstream and competitive. There are many other niche cleaning markets that you can explore.

2) Build a name for yourself right from the start. Develop a branding strategy, grow a respectable brand name and live up to the promise of your brands reputation and you will no longer have to fight so hard to win new accounts.

3) Always focus on running your business as efficiently as possible. Look for cost savings wherever possible and observe your workers in action and try to find ways that they can be more productive.

4) Develop your sales skills or hire good people to do the selling for you on a commission basis. Every enquiry costs money so you have to do your best to convert each one into a new account.

5) It is much easier to sell to your existing customers than it is to find new ones. Develop additional cleaning services that you can offer clients regularly or from time to time.

6) For your cleaning business to grow at a decent rate you must be able to step back and work on business development rather than getting stuck in the daily grind. Learning how to hire and manage employees effectively is one of the secrets to success.

7) Marketing is another key to success. Watch other successful companies in action and imitate what they do while still remaining as original as possible. Test a variety of promotional methods and track results to find out the most cost effective methods.

8) Customer service. Offer good value and service to clients and you will be rewarded with lots of referrals as word spreads.

9) Be persistent and never give up on your dreams. Growing a business is not easy and there will be hurdles along the way. Understand that if you keep refining your systems and learning from your mistakes that success is inevitable.

10) Never stop learning. Look for mentors who have been successful in cleaning and other industries and learn from them. Stay up to date with developments in the cleaning industry and in the business world in general.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning to open your cleaning business today and work towards securing yourself a 'six figure' income.


Source by Steven Sutherland

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