How To Properly Clean And Maintain Stainless Steel Letterboxes


A lot of people can still be considered old-fashioned. Instead of getting electronic mails or in addition to receiving them, they also opt to get traditional or hard copies of certain letters or correspondences. As such, you will still see several properties with letterboxes in front of their homes.

Although traditional letterboxes would do, there are a lot of benefits that come with getting a stainless one. This type of letterbox is highly durable, weather-resistant, and cost-effective. These home features are very reliable since aside from keeping any mail safe from water and any harsh weather condition, you can be assured that your letters are secure and duly protected from people who may want to steal them.

A stainless steel letterbox can also add appeal to your property's exterior. However, you have to clean and maintain this feature regularly and properly so that it can retain its good condition and so that it will not become an eyesore.

Here are some tips you can follow to properly clean and maintain a stainless steel letterbox:

• Regularly wipe the letterbox's surface using a soft, clean cloth and hot water. After this step, dry the metal thoroughly by using another soft cloth to prevent water spots. This procedure effectively removes surface grime. While following this tip, keep in mind that stainless steel has grains or small grooves running in one direction across the surface of the metal. As such, it is best to clean the box with the grain rather than scrubbing across it. By doing so, you avoid scratching the metal or lodging particles of dirt in the grain where they can cause rust to form.

• To effectively remove stubborn dirt, add a gentle detergent to the water you will use to clean this feature. Use soft cloth to clean the box and avoid using steel wool since this can scratch stainless steel or leave behind particles that may rust. Do not forget to rinse and hand-dry the stainless steel after cleaning it as well.

• If there are stubborn stains on the stainless steel letterbox, scrub them off with a soft cloth dipped in a paste of baking soda and water. However, baking soda is mildly abrasive so test this method on a small, hidden area of ​​the stainless steel box first to make sure you will not end up with scratches. Also, remember to scrub with the grain of the metal box and to rinse off all traces of baking soda before drying the box with a soft cloth.

More about the Learn benefits of Having stainless steel Letterboxes here .


Source by Chloe R Williams

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